Monday, 3 February 2025

after the storm pt 2


26-01-25 Back to 50 shades of grey and dull January weather. Maybe the forecast promised more or maybe we just braved the shitty weather hoping it may improve. Anyway, we wandered up the WoL through Inverleith Park and back via the Botanics. None of it was particularly memorable or worth noting so let's just hurry through and leave it to the archive.

great tit in full song



goosanders (f & m)

how glum does nosferatu here look?

I was surprised Mary conceded to a diversion to Inverleith Park. I'd heard there were birds in the Sundial Garden worth a look. Might have been fieldfares or redwings. They were nowhere to be seen on this occasion. Just a handful of reluctant long-tailed tits who kept hopping behind branches, out of reach. The sundials, with their gloomy reminders of the brevity of our existence are always worth a look and a laugh.


best place for a badger box?

I realised we had arrived at the Botanics and forgotten to check Inverleith pond for ducks. Oh well. Probably a bit overcrowded given it was Sunday. Meanwhile we checked out Campbell's Magnolia near the cafe which was in bud but not out just yet. Must try and catch it in flower when it does.

the pond near the cafe was iced over

yup, did all of that

nice skyline in front of the Pentlands

While there were no kingfishers at the Chinese pond
there was this dunnock full of the joys of life. 😁

this dirty nosed squirrel looked like a koala from certain angles
but not this angle

Sad to record that the Botanics lost 15 trees to the storm including the highest in the gardens, the 29m tall Cedrus deodora. Another 27 were badly damaged, and over 100 panes of glass from the glasshouses were lost.

new sign required 😥

Ken who we saw at the duck pond

We bumped into Ken at the duck pond. Just as we arrived a couple of female kingfishers flew up and off into the surrounding undergrowth. They had been perched nearby but the light was so poor I don't think Ken was getting much in the way of decent photos. They refused to return and pose. So we went round the other side to see if we could scare them back towards Ken. We could not. We went home.

male goosander hanging out with the moorhens and mallards

magpie with a limp

unhappy sight

this female bullfinch refused to pose,
it kind of summed up the day.

5miles, 2.5hrs

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