09-01-25 We had a rather convenient frosty spell that lasted just long enough to enjoy a few low temperature days until the warmth returned and melted everything super-quick, before it became tiresome. On this occasion we put on some warm clothes and went for a run around Holyrood. Although we could see a good covering of snow on the Pentlands, the roads around Holyrood were snow-free and runnable and the cold froze the muddy perimeter trail into a more runnable solid ground. And the sun shone for three days in a row which made everything better. It made Winter a far more acceptable proposition than all those grey days when the cars have their headlights on and it seems like there isn't a significant difference between night and day.
Mary starts most runs with a walking warm-up. This is most unwelcome on such a cold day and I either leave the house later and run to catch up or dance about on the spot to keep warm, while complaining. After half a mile we start running. (Mary doesn't put her gps on till then, whereas I count the warm up since we are out the door and working. Hence the difference in our strava outputs.) I have my doubts about the value of strava which I joined a while back. It just seems like giving oneself extra homework, a thing I generally try to avoid.
so much more cheerful to see the sun

Mary had to swerve to avoid running over this redwing - I went back and got a couple of photos since it was unusually tame. It didn't mind my company (while it turned over leaves hunting for food) just a couple of metres away. Sadly I only had the compact camera so pics not best quality. They are usually in groups of a dozen or more and quite flighty so this was not typical behaviour.
we went round the boundary route
great view of the Pentlands from behind Dunsapie Loch
had we continued towards the summit
this would have been The Long Grind strava section
this would have been The Long Grind strava section
pheasant feather
at the road we turned left
Pentlands looking FAB
It may well have been this that decided tomorrow's activity.
It may well have been this that decided tomorrow's activity.
selfie in the rangers window

home along London Road - finishing with a sprint
If all of Winter was this good there'd be far less complaints from me!
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