Wednesday 3 March 2021

goldeneye (the movie)


This is a blog about Goldeneye the Bond Movie and not the goldeneye ducks on St Margaret's Loch. You know, James Bond, loves to shoot sperm in the ladies and bullets in the men. Sometimes he puts bullets in the ladies too, but only if they are asking for it

 Eóin - faster than an Aston Martin

It's not that I've forgotten what sort of running we did on the 17th. I mean it was only 2 weeks ago and there are photos and a map. Actually the map tells quite a lot. The top road was closed just after Dunsapie so we turned around and came back down the hill. I was more interested in St Margaret's Loch where there were goldeneye ducks and the pretty useless Little Grebe. So I might have broken the coached session of 4mins fast, 4 mins recovery, to have a look and see what my feathered friends were up to. 

little grebe, little excitement

Judi Dench and Pierce Brosnan

Pierce is an unusual sort of name. Growing up there were no Pierces in my school, although there was a Spike and more than a few Pricks. Together with Brosnan it sort of works but if you look at them both separately you'd think that has to be an anagram. "Boner penis car" or "probe crannies".

While I totally failed to get all but the most distant photos of the red carpet trio, Mary ran past and ran on. I dithered, trying to get a few more images or hoping that they'd swim over to where I was standing. Because that always happens. After a rather long wait (without success) I followed Mary up the road realising I wasn't absolutely sure which way she'd gone. I think there might have been talk of going up the main Drive until the barriers, then returning, but to be honest, I wasn't really listening. On the long climb up the road to the roundabout I saw Mary's distinctive running style way ahead and once she got to the barriers she did indeed return and we regrouped. I had run fairly quickly up the hill making up for slacking and taking time out at the Loch. But it wasn't really a proper full-on speed session where you go home feeling slightly sick, totally wrung out and yet paradoxically moist, with a feeling of achievement. 

I left Mary to head home while I went back to the Loch now that the sun was coming out. I think I had a wander up Haggis Knowe and into Hunters Bog and up the back of the crags looking for birds. There was a very chipper chaffinch on gorse bushes singing about the coming spring but not much else. And no sign of the stonechats or reed buntings. There was a singular perch (the remains of a stout gorse bush or small tree) coming out the ground and I thought I bet birds of prey (owls) use that and cough up fur balls while contemplating their next sortie. A quick shufti in the grass next door and there's a wee mouse-black pellet, so neat I nearly put it in my pocket and took home to dissolve in water and and make vole skeleton jigsaws. I defo would have if I knew Mary's response was - you should have brought that home and we could've taken it apart. Anyway if you go up to the perchy post in the old quarry on the back of the crags you'll find it or another new one, just nearby.

mouse remix

When I got back to the Loch not only was the sun out but folk were feeding the swans which had gathered with a load of waterfowl right next to the edge. Like spies, the goldeneye couple hide themselves in among the tufted ducks and when you look at them directly they dive under the green water. I believe there is a hidden base beneath the large lake which conceals a satellite dish. Bond has to destroy this before someone named Boris can wreak havoc on the Bank of England and ruin London. Remarkably prescient really. Anyway I think that is where these ducks hide when they see you coming as they disappear without trace under the water.

this pair have formed a bond

tufted duck

Anyway after a lot of explosions and gratuitous killing (the baddies dead, the hero alive to continue the franchise, (wow, who saw that coming?)) I returned home. 

should really have been 007 miles

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