Tuesday 3 September 2024


On the 25th August we had a visitor to the flat. I saw this tiny zebra jumping spider on our new windows and thought since it was yet another day of crappy weather in this so-called Summer and I was staying home to catch up with blogs and the very important work of correcting people with foolish opinions on social media (a nearly full-time occupation!) it would brighten the day to get the macro equipment out and take some pics. I took a load of photos, pulled them up onto the computer, took a load more, and here are the best of the 360+ I shot.

Okay the observant among you will notice I buried the lead. On the 23rd August we had some men come into the flat at 9am and rip out 2 sash windows. This was quite the upheaval as we had been living with them for nearly 30 years. And then within minutes, they were hauled out. To be fair they were definitely getting in need of a wash. The third of the trio of windows had reached its point of no return a few years back but we couldn't afford to replace all 3 at the same time so it has taken till now to work up the nerve to have the same company back in to complete the task. They did it with gusto and were finished in under 4 hrs. Made me wonder why we'd not done it sooner. The new windows are great and keep a great deal of the local colour at bay, particularly between the hours of the pub across the road closing and when the carnival of drunks finally disperse. Life is quieter. But also they open and close beautifully, allowing a summer breeze to play across breakfast. 

goney gone!

a clear view across to Arthur's Seat

this is the firm who did the windows
- they made a decent job of it

Not sure if it was Big Bad John who was in charge but he said he had 3 kids and 3 step-kids and seemed to be working 7 days a week; 5 for Lochinvar and 2 self employed. Didn't even stop for a cup of tea!

gap filled in no time

Anyway, as I was saying, we had a visit from a zebra spider who came to inspect the new windows. I did wonder if she (the males have more protruding chelicerae) (just under the eyes) had got in while the windows were out and was now looking for a non-existent exit back outside. However it was grim weather and she could probably get back out behind the woodwork. She spent an hour or more just dodging about the window. My first instinct had been to move her onto a piece of paper or something I could lean over taking photos. Then I thought the window gives a pretty good blurred out background of neutral colour and she seems happy walking about there exploring.

She might well be disappointed we had removed the old windows which would have been a safari of dirt, grime and possibly tiny bugs which might have been more favourable for this spider which jumps on prey rather than building a web and trapping meals. She was about 5mm in length. (About half fingernail width.) And moving most of the time. So quite tricky to get next to, and take a photo as she ran across the window. I also used a diffused flash.

I couldn't see if the web being trailed was a constant or just when she felt she about to jump. The only time she did jump was when I put a finger close by to encourage her to turn and face the camera. She would jump onto the sill and then climb back up and across the window. I did as little as possible to upset her or chase her about. She largely seemed oblivious of my presence although has good vision which she relies on, to pounce accurately onto prey up to 10cm away. 

When I had taken as good photos as I was going to get, I considered putting her out the window. But it was raining so I let her be. Last seen crawling into the gap between window and frame. Goodbye little one, thanks for the photos and good luck!

video - click twice
I can't credit the background music - it was randomly playing while I was shooting 
the footage, however is quite apt although quiet and may require the volume up further.


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