Tuesday 9 July 2024

lost summer


28th June
This was a pretty disappointing day out - we did what has become a regular jaunt from Saughton down the WoL back home. The tram was uneventful and it is a short walk from Balgreen to Saughton Park. Not long after we arrived it rained and we made a slow dash to the bandstand where we waited 10 mins until it eased off. We never even made it out the gardens before the next shower which we spent beside the toilet block checking out the over subscribed cafe but resisting their pretty good quiches. I think there was another break for it and then another shower and possibly the bandstand and a tree was used as shelter. Our spirits were pretty damp by now but we soldiered on and eventually went upstream to check the Water of Leith of wildlife of which there was none. Before heading downstream. By Roseburn another shower suggested we go into the Vigo deli/cafe. The sausage and egg baguette was perhaps the highlight of the day.

hiding under a tree with a sainsbury's bag over the camera

brief encounter with the sun

I think at this time of the year
the robins are run ragged by rearing offspring

the only butterfly today
a speckled wood braving the shit weather



To cheer ourselves up we went into the Botanics. This didn't really work as there was nothing there apart from the lovely flowers. I mean we had a nice enough time but it is difficult to accept this is the best our country can do in what is approaching the height of Summer. I cannot remember a dismal Summer as bad as this one has been, following on from such a wet and unhelpful Spring. It makes me want to move abroad. 

this beautiful wall of flowers should have been really buzzing 
with bees, bugs and butterflies - instead virtually nothing

a swarm of midges or gnats over the river was the only sign of life

Why did I even bother to record this day out? Well I did consider just passing over it, but I like to archive the bigger picture and not just the Kodak moments. So I can look back in 5 years time and say well at least things aren't as bad as that godforsaken spring and summer of despair in 2024. Or maybe we'll look back and wonder why we were complaining about a little blip in the weather before the apocalyptic events of 2025? Anyway, I kept it brief. Be thankful.

8.7 miles in 5hrs

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