Thursday 4 May 2023

no time to waste


Man, April was pretty poor. Having survived the hardships of winter we were dealt a poor hand of cards for April. Normally we can expect orange tips and a splash of Springlike sunshine in between the showers and grey skies. There was precious little of that. And although orange tips emerged they must have been regretting it as we have had shit weather for most of the second half of April and into May. Mary feels I complain too much about the piss poor weather but it feels like we are just wasting time waiting for better days to arrive in order to get out and appreciate the good stuff. When you get to 60 it just doesn't feel like there's time to waste.

So another wander along to Warriston. This one more productive than most. Several commas seemed to be out sunbathing and the bluebells were out. Unfortunately the only orange tip was a female and she didn't hang around for many photos.

It has been a good year for commas. I can't recall ever seeing as many as have turned up this year in Warriston. I have lost count although there doesn't seem to be many repeat customers. They seem to be blowing through without settling to be counted a second time. We must be heading towards double figures. Normally 2 or 3 would be the most for Spring.

Top marks to the Friends of Warriston for planting bulbs and wildflowers. The amount of daffodils etc. seems to be growing year on year and makes the place really cheerful. The place is awash with bluebells - in traditional blue as well as pink and white. They make an excellent backdrop for butterfly photos. Although you need a bit of luck and to be at the right place and right time. 

speckled woods are the most prolific butterflies at Warriston

large female peacock

The garlic mustard (above) is finally coming into bloom. I've been watching it, because it is central to the lives of orange tips. It has been slow to flower this year. Everything seems to be dragging its feet. 

stock doves

The behaviour of the garden birds is changing. They are now well into nesting season and although there are almost always a few interested in the food we put out, it is noticeable that not as many are showing up and they don't stay as long. All the buds and fruits on the trees are keeping them well fed and they are not as close to the wire as during the Winter. And some - like the grey wagtail pair - have just disappeared entirely. Presumably off hatching and rearing young. 

more comma delights

female chaffinch


I was busy setting up a photoshoot with that comma (2 up) - wrangling it onto a higher perch and then trying some macro shots putting the camera slowly right up to the specimen without disturbing it - when something white crossed my peripheral vision. I immediately gave up on the comma and chased the white over to where it landed on a bluebell. Excellent! AND it was an orange tip female! I got a couple of shots but it flew off again long before I got in for a close up. I chased it from near the tunnel across the riverside area to the river where it nearly got away by following the river downstream. I thought it would probably check out the flowering few-flowered leek down by the bridge and ran there. I could see it fluttering around that area and quickly climbed the wall and approached - not too rapidly - once it settled on some greenery. I only got a short time before it took off again but I managed a close up shot this time which made the top-of-page-slot. A perfect specimen in good light. I was very pleased I had managed to follow it all the way across the cemetery.

Back on the other side of the tunnel and the speckleds were out in decent numbers.

battling speckleds

small white on garlic mustard

On the way home I noticed this hawk/falcon decoy planted on someone's chimney
to scare off the pigeons. Not a huge success then.


  1. Nope, when we get to that 'certain' age we have to make the most, you just never know when the call will come 😨😱. Having left that cheerful thought nice you are still racking up the butters. Commas are a bit scarce in my areas I go but Speckles doing well.
    Got the years first Green Hairstreak, Wall Brown and Large White yesterday. Despite the cool easterly found a nice little 'hot spot'.

  2. Nice!
    Haven't seen any large white or wall this year yet. And small coppers soon. Just squeezed in a couple of weeks work as the weather was dreadful, but off next week and hoping for better than the awful forecast. I may have to move abroad unless global warming really picks up soon.
